Friday, January 20, 2012

This is for the girls who want to improve your vert!!!!  P.S. I don't expect you to do pull-ups ;)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Hey there!!!

Practice Friday the 20th, 5:00-7:00pm at the middle school. Bring your journals! :)

Love ya bunches!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hey Girls! :)

We have practice on Saturday the 14th, 1:00-3:00pm at the High School.  (Im 100% sure this time! ;))  Please bring your Rivista's to practice with you!!!

After practice we will be having a team bonding day at Sammy's house.  We'll be decorating our journals, and having a fun time as a team!

Love ya' bunches!
If you have questions, call me.


Monday, January 9, 2012

Reminder: Referee clinic Wednesday the 11th, 5:00-7:30pm at the high school (in Mrs. Pierce's room. Bring something to snack on, and I would highly suggest bringing a water bottle! This clinic is only for the players participating in tournaments. Practice girls need not to attend.

If you can bring the parent/player evaluation with you on Wednesday, that would be awesome!

I was happy with how practice went today. I know sometimes it might be difficult practicing with so many girls in a small gym, but you won't believe how much the little girls look up to you.

Don't forget to write in your rivista!

Love ya bunches!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Alrighty girls! First practice is, Monday the 9th, 6:30pm-8:00pm at the high school! Please bring your rivista! :). Also, we have our ref clinic on Wednesday the 11th, 5:00pm-7:30pm at the high school. Please be 100% ready to go for practice right at 6:30!

Love ya bunches!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Newport VBC Team!!!!

Hey girls!  Welcome to the team!  I am so stoked for this season.  I can't wait to see you young girls grow and blossom throughout the season!

One thing that I want you girls to start doing, is keeping a journal.  Most of you know that I play softball at a highly competitive level.  In all college sports, athletes are asked to journal. My experience with this has really shown me the importance of how everything I do, or don’t do, prepares me for the next level of competition.  I know this might sound odd, but we're going to call our journals 'Rivistas', which is journal in Italian.

With that being said, grab any empty notebook that you have.  If you don't have one, just use a plain piece of paper for now.  On the inside cover write: 'il mio rivista', which means ‘my journal’.  Under that write: "No person was ever honored for what he received.  Honor has been the reward for what he gave."  -Calvin Coolidige

Now, this is not like most journals where you put down your deepest thoughts or who you're crushin' on at school. ;)  This is where you're going to journal 'What I did to become a better volleyball player'.  Whether it be you ran around the block with your dog, or watched a college volleyball game on TV and did lunges during commercial breaks (Fun, right?!) everything counts.

I know your books will be looking very plain right now, don't do anything to them yet!!!!  In the near future we're going to have a team bonding day, and decorate the journals as a team!  If you can't get a notebook or journal, let me know and we'll figure something out.  

On this blog, I'll be posting practices and tournament times and places.  Don't worry, I'll also send out emails, texts, and phone calls.  *Parents, we'll also be able to upload pictures from tournaments and practices.  If you have photos to upload, let me know and we'll get ‘em up*

I am SO excited to start the season!  Stay tuned for a practice time!

Love you bunches! <3
Coach Chaleigh